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Trivia Mondays at Bridge 99 Brewery at 6:30. Useless Knowledge Bowl is no ordinary trivia night, it’s a LIVE TRIVIA GAME SHOW Team up with friends or family to win house gift cards! It’s FREE to play. Indoor AND outdoor seating available. Enjoy Bridge 99 brews, mixed drinks, ciders and more. Fresh made pizzas, sandwiches and more with food truck options available too! Please remember that the great venues that host us depend on you to support their business during your visit, and bring something to write with.
63063 Layton Ave, Bend. #UKBTrivia,#UKBTriviaNights, #TriviainBend, #BendTriviaNights, #BendTrivia, #Bridge99Trivia, #ThursdayTriviainBend, #TriviaMondays, #TriviaThursdays

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